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Barre Fitness: 101

By: Our Team


 Barre Yoga for Your Body

Most people who have invested in the healthy physique of their body with Face & Body procedures also want to maintain their fitness. If you are into new workout classes, chances are you have seen a new barre class pop up around the street corner or in your roster of gym classes. If you haven’t taken the plunge and tried a plié or two because you are unsure of the details, we’ll debunk the mystery for you here.

think: ballet barre+yoga+pilates=Barre exercise

This low-impact workout is equal parts challenging and strengthening on the body. Strength training sections of the workout are then followed by a stretching section in order to create long, lean muscles without bulk.  Many barre fans have undergone extreme weight loss and fitness success journeys. While many classes differ in difficulty, pace and technique, the fact is that this popular new workout is legit. This workout can be optimal for those who need to keep it low impact due to injuries, but still find a full benefit in burning calories.

An average class might start with light all-over body stretching, moving into body toning for the arms, thighs, glutes and abs. Depending on the length of the class, it usually ends with a cool down portion. Most classes will have all tools needed to participate, including the ballet barre. Sometimes the only additional gear needed are light weights for arm strength. One of the great things about this new workout is that it is low-maintenance; the highlight is on the grace and flexibility of the body, like yoga and pilates. Incorporating the barre into your workout repertoire will increase additional stability and toning of your important muscle groups- giving a lean and lengthened look instead of bulky and bulging muscles.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary. All before and after pictures are real patients of The Face & Body Center