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Can Breast Augmentation Address Sagging Breasts?

By: Our Team


woman wearing blue bra

When considering options for enhancing one's appearance, breast augmentation is a common procedure that comes to mind, especially for those looking to improve the look of sagging breasts. Our dedicated team at The Face & Body Center, located in Flowood, MS, specializes in various cosmetic procedures, including breast augmentation, which can be an effective solution for sagging breasts and the various aspects to consider before surgery. 

Understanding the impact of breast augmentation on sagging breasts 

Breast augmentation involves the insertion of breast implants to increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. While primarily known for its ability to enhance breast size, many wonder if it can also address sagging. The answer isn't straightforward, as the effectiveness of breast augmentation in correcting sagging depends on the degree of sagging present. For mild to moderate sagging, breast implants can provide the necessary lift and volume to improve the breast's appearance. However, additional procedures, such as a breast lift, might be required for more significant sagging to achieve the desired result. 

Choosing the right breast implants 

The selection of breast implants is a critical decision in the breast augmentation process. The Face & Body Center offers a variety of implant types and sizes to suit individual preferences and body types. The right implants can increase the breast size and provide a slight lift by filling out the breast skin, which is beneficial for addressing minor sagging. Silicone and saline implants are the most common types, each with advantages. Consulting with our dedicated team in Flowood, MS, can help you make an informed choice based on your aesthetic goals and the extent of sagging. 

Comprehensive care facilitates a smooth recovery 

Undergoing breast augmentation surgery in Flowood, MS, at The Face & Body Center ensures that you are in the hands of experienced professionals. The procedure is typically performed using general anesthesia and takes about 1 – 2 hours. The surgeon will make incisions in discreet locations, through which the implants are inserted and positioned. Post-surgery, patients receive comprehensive care instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery. 

Combining breast augmentation with a breast lift 

For those with significant sagging, combining breast augmentation with a breast lift might be the recommended approach. This combination increases the size of the breasts and addresses sagging more effectively by removing excess skin and lifting the breast tissue. Our team is adept at performing such combined procedures, ensuring that patients can achieve their desired aesthetics with a single surgery. 

Improve your shape and appearance 

Breast augmentation can be an effective solution for improving the appearance of sagging breasts, particularly when combined with a breast lift for more severe cases. The Face & Body Center in Flowood, MS, offers personalized consultation and surgical expertise to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals. If you're considering breast augmentation surgery to address sagging breasts, contacting our dedicated team to schedule a consultation is an excellent starting point. Our experience and comprehensive approach ensure that each patient can receive care tailored to their unique needs and expectations.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary. All before and after pictures are real patients of The Face & Body Center